Team Building



10 products found


Around the World

120 min, 90 min
Ready for your first trip around the world? Then prepare your passport! Take your team across 22 countries, tackling numerous quizzes, video and photo trials to earn the maximum score before time runs out.

C.S.I. – Crime scene

Full Day
CSI is interrogation of suspects, passing some problem solving, analyzing data and fingerprints, target shooting, self-defense and much more.

Manor House Murder

120 min
With your investigative team, you have been called to solve the murder of Laura Norder, which took place in a mysterious house. There are 6 suspects!

Murder on the Slopes

120 min
A terrible avalanche, a body buried under the snow but… nothing is as it seems. This person was killed! Who is the killer?

Murder on the Train

120 min
On a train from the 1920s Maximus Power is found dead. Listen to the passengers and explore the carriages to analyze the evidence and find out who the killer is!

Spy School in the Field

120 min, 150 min
Do you have the talent to solve a case like this? Complete the tests and you’ll get clues that will help you identify the culprit among 12 suspects.

Team Quiz

45 min, 90 min
Engage guests in collaborative and fun challenges. Take on as many trials as possible and achieve the highest score before time runs out.

Thrilling Day

120 min, 150 min
An itinerant murder where the investigative teams will have to reach the suspects in different locations to interrogate them.


60 min, 90 min
Vintage riscalda i cuori e accende i ricordi d’infanzia di tutti i partecipanti in quanto è un vero e proprio viaggio nel tempo tra gli anni ’70 e ’90.
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