Team Building



20 products found


Play Lego

150 min, 90 min
Play Lego allows all participants to experiment with a creative activity and fun using the famous colored bricks.

Team Quiz

45 min, 90 min
Engage guests in collaborative and fun challenges. Take on as many trials as possible and achieve the highest score before time runs out.

The Marco Polo Mystery

120 min, 90 min
The fabulous Marcovian goblet has been stolen! A group of bandits stole it while Marco Polo was returning to Venice on the Silk Road. Its whereabouts have remained a mystery for centuries… the world is waiting to find out where it is!

The Pegasus Project

90 min
Reveal to the whole world the secret plans of “Project Pegasus” and at the same time find out what happened to agent Spike and 3 doctors.

The Secret of Atlantis

120 min, 90 min
Eisler returned from an expedition that was declared a disaster. She was supposed to reveal a shocking discovery, but she was kidnapped. What announcement was he planning to make?


60 min, 90 min
Vintage riscalda i cuori e accende i ricordi d’infanzia di tutti i partecipanti in quanto è un vero e proprio viaggio nel tempo tra gli anni ’70 e ’90.

Wine Tasting

120 min, 90 min
Wine Tasting combines a mini course on wine tasting with games related to oenology. It can be done instead of an aperitif or during dinner.
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