Team Building



11 products found


Arctic Survival

90 min
Halfway through an Arctic expedition your team was sadly separated from the guide. When all seems lost you come across a refuge… maybe you can save yourself!

Assault Reporters

180 min, Half Day
Each team will have the task of creating a corporate newscast. Each newsroom will have to organize itself by defining the roles and journalistic style.

Bar Challenge

120 min, 90 min
Each team must open its own venue. For the occasion, he/she must offer the guests 2 cocktails: one alcoholic and one non-alcoholic.

Laser Tag

120 min, 180 min
It is an activity based on the simulation of a game deriving from the military world suitably converted into team building.

Pasta Building

120 min, 90 min
The single spaghetti contributes to the construction of a tower, a bridge or a house strong> thanks to the union and integration with others.

Play Lego

150 min, 90 min
Play Lego allows all participants to experiment with a creative activity and fun using the famous colored bricks.

Soap Opera

180 min, Half Day
Imagine interpreting a melodramatic dialogue in perfect Beautiful style. You will have to make a corporate soap opera.

Team Sailing

150 min, 180 min
Life on the boat is a perfect metaphor for group life in the company. It is essential to divide the tasks and define the individual roles.

Tips for shopping

180 min, Half Day
Each team will be tasked with creating a corporate commercial. Commercials can deal with company products/services or something totally invented.
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