Team Building



11 products found


C.S.I. – Crime scene

Full Day
CSI is interrogation of suspects, passing some problem solving, analyzing data and fingerprints, target shooting, self-defense and much more.

Car Race

150 min
You will be involved in the design and creation of a creative machine which will then have to compete on the track with those of the other teams.

Carton Boat

150 min
The teams must make the best cardboard boat to be launched to compete in an unforgettable and very entertaining regatta.

Connecting People

Full Day, Half Day
Different problem solving, interactive and dynamic games coming from outdoor training will be presented in an atmosphere of maximum fun.

Murder on the Slopes

120 min
A terrible avalanche, a body buried under the snow but… nothing is as it seems. This person was killed! Who is the killer?

Radio Team Building

Full Day, Half Day
Insieme al tuo team dovrai realizzare un programma radiofonico dove verrà registrata una puntata pilota. 3,2,1… siete in onda!

Sound Building

150 min, 60 min
Sound Building (or Drum Circle) is an engaging rhythmic team building in which a group of people get together to play drums and percussion instruments.

Team Cooking

120 min, 150 min
The goal of each team is to inaugurate their own restaurant. Choose between the classic, finger food and pasta forever formats.

The Pegasus Project

90 min
Reveal to the whole world the secret plans of “Project Pegasus” and at the same time find out what happened to agent Spike and 3 doctors.

The Voice

120 min
Involve the participants in creating a song that presents a text adapted from an existing song or written ad hoc for the occasion.
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