Team Building



7 products found


Art Heist

90 min
You were locked in an office during an art robbery! Complete 3 levels and escape the room within an hour… before it’s too late.

Assault Reporters

180 min, Half Day
Each team will have the task of creating a corporate newscast. Each newsroom will have to organize itself by defining the roles and journalistic style.

Gospel Choir

180 min
Gospel Choir brings to life the exciting atmosphere of a real Gospel choir. Are you ready to unleash an energy never seen before?

Soap Opera

180 min, Half Day
Imagine interpreting a melodramatic dialogue in perfect Beautiful style. You will have to make a corporate soap opera.

The Marco Polo Mystery

120 min, 90 min
The fabulous Marcovian goblet has been stolen! A group of bandits stole it while Marco Polo was returning to Venice on the Silk Road. Its whereabouts have remained a mystery for centuries… the world is waiting to find out where it is!

The Secret of Atlantis

120 min, 90 min
Eisler returned from an expedition that was declared a disaster. She was supposed to reveal a shocking discovery, but she was kidnapped. What announcement was he planning to make?

Tips for shopping

180 min, Half Day
Each team will be tasked with creating a corporate commercial. Commercials can deal with company products/services or something totally invented.
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