Come gestire le lamentele agli eventi in 11 passi
Non tutti sanno come comportarsi quando, magari nel mezzo di un evento, arriva una lamentela da parte di qualche partecipante. Il segreto è quello di sapere gestire i problemi nel migliore dei modi, in maniera che, semmai, si trasformino in opportunità. Il ‘detto’ il cliente ha sempre ragione è imprescindibile, e allora che fare per non rovinare mesi di preparativi e il successo dell’evento?
Infatti, anche se l’evento nel complesso sta andando bene, bastano le lamentele di un solo partecipante a minare l’ottima riuscita …
Becki Cross, su, offre la soluzione in 11 passi. Eccoli in sintesi.
1 – Pensate positivo: può sembrare strano, ma cercate di pensare alla lamentela come a una ‘possibilità’, quella di aggiustare le cose prima che altri si accorgano che qualcosa non sta andando per il verso giusto
2- Intervenite subito: non c’è nulla che fa arrabbiare di più un congressista che si lamenta della vostra indifferenza. Fermatevi, dategli retta, prendete nota di quello che secondo lui non va. Durante l’evento dovrete inoltre assicurarvi di tenere un colloquio con la persona che ha una lamentela in disparte, a tu per tu, lontano dal resto della platea
3 Ascoltate: assicuratevi di raccogliere tutte le informazioni necessarie a risolvere quello che non va prima di fare qualsiasi cosa
4 Keep calm: mantenere la calma è sempre d’aiuto. Quando si è criticati è normale mettersi sulla difensiva, soprattutto se pensate di subire un torto da parte del congressista scontento. Ma più la tensione è elevata, più sarà difficile per voi essere propositivi. Se non riuscite a stare calmi e ne avete le possibilità, passate la palla a un collega
5 Mettetevi nei panni di chi si lamenta: nessuno ama le lamentele, è ovvio! Ma considerate che chi vi sta di fronte ha avuto la considerazione di informavi di ciò che non va, magari anche per lui non è stato facile
6 Fate domande: per mostrare al delegato che si lamenta la massima considerazione, tentate di approfondire il suo punto di vista con delle domande, che soprattutto vi aiuteranno ad avere le idee chiare su cosa sia davvero accaduto
7 Imparate a chiedere scusa: se la lamentela ha una motivazione seria, non resta altro che chiedere scusa. E se invece la lamentela non è giustificabile, giocate sulla dialettica, azzardando un ‘mi spiace che lei si senta in questo modo’ o ‘Comprendo che si possa sentire arrabbiato, ma …’
8 Non date la colpa ad altri: può essere una tentazione, ma bisogna resistere, non si fa! Incolpare qualcun altro notoriamente non risolve le cose e in più irrita il vostro interlocutore. Non è nemmeno tanto professionale
9 Coinvolgete nella risoluzione del problema: una volta apprese le informazioni utili a risolvere la problematica emersa e trovata la soluzione, condividetela con chi per primo vi ha posto la questione. Se non avete soluzioni, aiuterà molto chiedere direttamente all’interlocutore se ha una soluzione alla sua lamentela.
10 In ogni caso, risolvete il problema: una volta individuata la soluzione, assicuratevi che ciò che c’è da fare venga fatto immediatamente. Se ciò non può avvenire, il congressista che si è lamentato va costantemente aggiornato sui progressi della ‘risoluzione’ del problema.
11 Traetene insegnamento per il futuro: tutto quello che di negativo è accaduto non sarà stato invano se verrà analizzato per non ripetere gli stessi errori alla prossima occasione, coinvolgendo tutto il team organizzativo.
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Articolo originale di Becki Cross:
Dealing with customer complaints effectively is an important skill, particularly if the feedback comes in the middle of a live event. How do you handle an event complaint situation? If you get it wrong you will probably lose a valued attendee forever. However if you get it right you could manage to turn a negative encounter into a positive one and earn a loyal fan …
You put your heart and soul into every event that you organise and after months of hard work and trying to think of every possible eventuality it is heart-breaking if things don’t go exactly to plan. It seems even more distressing if you receive complaints – do they not realise how hard you worked to avoid anything like this happening?!
On the other hand everything could be going great but an attendee may still voice a complaint if something isn’t to their exact liking. And of course the saying goes that “the customer is always right.”
Whatever the circumstance of the complaint (and however valid or not it may be) how can you turn a negative situation into a positive?
Think Positively
Perhaps this sounds strange but try to think of the complaint as a gift. The attendee has taken time to feed back to you so that you have the opportunity to rectify it for the complainant but also potentially for others before the situation escalates. In essence you have been given a valuable second chance to put this right.
Moreover if they didn’t bring this to your attention they could have just disappeared without saying a word, which would have left you no opportunity to put the situation right and probably having lost a customer forever, without ever being any the wiser about their dissatisfaction.
Stop Everything
This is a tricky one but the person complaining wants to have their say right away, they need you to stop everything and take note.
Anger will rise if you try to dismiss or delay someone who is primed to have their say.
Try to ensure that all team members know how to handle complaints and that any junior team members know how important it is to pass it over to a Manager promptly and with care.
At a live event you do of course need to consider your location and potentially minimise the impact on the rest of the event and other attendees. If you can suggest a suitable and convenient location close by to discuss the scenario in private this may be a wise move.
Make sure that you gather the full facts of the situation before jumping in. Give the attendee the opportunity to vent their anger and frustration as this may help to calm them to calm down, as well as filling in the gaps for you as to what has gone wrong and the crux of why the person in front of you is so upset. The information you gather here will help to ensure you can suggest the best possible solution and outcome.
Keep Calm
It is natural to feel defensive when listening to a complaint, particularly if their facts are wrong or unfounded, but try to remember this isn’t a personal attack on yourself and never argue back.
If tensions are high you are potentially not going to deal with the situation with a clear head so it may be best to suggest some time out for both parties to simmer down before reconvening? Or perhaps you need to escalate the situation to a colleague instead?
Put Yourself in Their Shoes
Nobody (ok very few people!) like complaining and so going back to the first point, appreciate that the individual has taken the time to give their opinion to you and that this probably isn’t easy for them. Look at the whole situation from their point of view and see it through their eyes.
Ask Questions
Prove that the attendee has your full, undivided attention. Ask questions to be sure that you understand the full facts of the situation and to get them to clarify anything that is unclear.
This earlier post may be useful background reading How to Create the WOW Factor in Event Customer Service.
Say Sorry
If the complaint is justified ensure you give heartfelt apologies to the attendee and let them know that that is not how you like to do business/your events to run.
If the complaint isn’t justified in your opinion you should still empathise with them, for example “I am sorry that you feel that way” or “I understand how upset you must feel” or simply “I can see that this must be inconvenient for you.”
Don’t Pass Blame
The person complaining truly believes that you have done something wrong so resist the temptation to pass the blame. The person complaining doesn’t want to hear you passing the buck, they want to hear what you are going to do for them and it is unprofessional to accuse others. It is your event and therefore it is your full responsibility if some element has been unsatisfactory.
Agree Next Steps
Hopefully after gathering all of the information you will have a few ideas for how you can put the situation right and you can now share these with the attendee to gauge their thoughts.
Sometimes it may be appropriate to ask the person directly how you can put the situation right for them; “What would be a fair solution?” “What course of action do you want to see?”
It is important that you jointly agree what is a fair and suitable next step to be taken.
Resolve the Situation
Once a course of action is agreed make sure you move swiftly to put things into place. Ideally the person that has heard the complaint will personally take the necessary action and remain the main point of contact.
If for any reason the actions taken are not immediate and will take some time, ensure that you keep the unhappy attendee informed or the negative feelings could escalate again.
Let the person who voiced the complaint know what changes and measures have been put in place to ensure this doesn’t happen again and to show how seriously you took their concerns.
For some it may be enough to be heard and to receive an apology and assurances. Only you can judge the gravity of the situation though and whether compensation should be offered. For example should you offer them a free or discounted ticket for the next event to make up for this bad experience?
Make sure that all of the team are aware of the complaint and steps are taken to put things right and avoid the same mistake happening again in the future. Be grateful for the early warning sign and the chance you have been given to rethink and redesign for the future. The most important lesson is to learn from the error.
In Conclusion
If you deal with a complaint at your event successfully you may secure yourself a customer for life and turn a negative experience into a positive one. Nearly all customers would recommend a company to their friends if a complaint had been resolved efficiently, according to The Institute of Customer Service.
Thanks to the Event Planning and Event Management LinkedIn Community who shared their valuable insights for this post.
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