Team Building



12 products found


Around the World

120 min, 90 min
Ready for your first trip around the world? Then prepare your passport! Take your team across 22 countries, tackling numerous quizzes, video and photo trials to earn the maximum score before time runs out.

Bar Challenge

120 min, 90 min
Each team must open its own venue. For the occasion, he/she must offer the guests 2 cocktails: one alcoholic and one non-alcoholic.


120 min, 150 min
Can you save the world by stopping the Spider Technology?! The goal is to prevent the spread of a technological virus in time.

Chain Reaction

120 min, 180 min
The teams involved will compete in the design and construction of a path made with materials of various kinds and shapes.

Crazy Waiters

120 min, 90 min
Perfectly camouflaged and confused among the normal room colleagues, the waiters will move between gaffes and increasingly bizarre behaviors.

Murder on the Slopes

120 min
A terrible avalanche, a body buried under the snow but… nothing is as it seems. This person was killed! Who is the killer?

Operation Mindfall

120 min, 150 min
Can you save the world by stopping Spider Technology’s plan?! The goal is to prevent the virus from spreading by finding the antivirus

Team Cooking

120 min, 150 min
The goal of each team is to inaugurate their own restaurant. Choose between the classic, finger food and pasta forever formats.

The Voice

120 min
Involve the participants in creating a song that presents a text adapted from an existing song or written ad hoc for the occasion.

Thrilling Day

120 min, 150 min
An itinerant murder where the investigative teams will have to reach the suspects in different locations to interrogate them.

Wine Tasting

120 min, 90 min
Wine Tasting combines a mini course on wine tasting with games related to oenology. It can be done instead of an aperitif or during dinner.
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